Yamaha XJ750

Yamaha XJ750 by Ad Hoc

David Gonzalez is one of those low-key, under-the-radar builders, slowly creating a portfolio of stylish and slightly unusual bikes. Ten months ago…

Best SR500 customs

Top 5 Yamaha SR500s

Everyone loves a thumper—and few thumpers are as loved as Yamaha’s popular SR500. Manufactured for just over 20 years, from 1978 to…

RD350 custom motorcycle

RD350 Streak by Brew Bikes

If you like two-wheelers of the pedal-powered kind, you probably know about Reynolds 853 tubing. It’s a seamless, air-hardened and heat-treated steel…

Yamaha XS400

Yamaha XS400 by Walt Siegl

Walt Siegl’s name is synonymous with classy, high-end Ducati customs. So it’s a little unusual to see a smaller displacement Japanese motorcycle…