Godier Genoud Kawasaki 1135R replica by Doremi

Godier Genoud replica

One of the most successful privateer racing teams in the 1970s was the French outfit Godier Genoud. Even if the retina-searing graphics…

Z2 Kawasaki

Sanctuary Kawasaki Z2

The legendary Kawasaki Z1 had a little brother, the Z2. (A better behaved little brother, no doubt.) You’d be hard pressed to…

Bull Dock Kawasaki Z1000J

Kawasaki’s original 1972 Z1 was raw and uncompromising. And in the wrong hands, potentially lethal. When the subsequent Z1000J came out, the…

AC Sanctuary motorcycles

Here’s a real find: a major Japanese custom motorcycle shop that’s somehow slipped under the radar of most westerners. It’s called AC…

Kawasaki GPz 550

At the start of the 1980s, Kawasaki turned the middleweight sportsbike market on its head with the GPz550. It was fast for…

Kawasaki Z900

Most people will say the Honda CB750 was the first true superbike. But a few will point to the Kawasaki Z1 Series…

Matsumaru Kawasaki 250TR

The SR400/SR500 is the platform of choice for the more leftfield Japanese custom shops, but Kawasaki’s 250TR isn’t far behind. This understated…