1922 Megola Sport motorcycle

1922 Megola Sport

This lovely piece of rolling sculpture is the Megola Sport, and it was built in Germany in 1922. Aside from the extraordinary…

Harley XL 1200S custom by Nice Motorcycle

Harley XL 1200 custom

If Harley-Davidson needs any more guidance on how to create Sportster range extensions for the future, this beautifully detailed XL 1200 custom…

Ducati NCR Leggera by Hattar Moto

Hattar NCR Leggera

I didn’t think any bike could get more extreme than the NCR Millona M16 we revealed a couple of weeks ago. Until…

Honda XR75 vintage minibike

Honda XR75

Today’s guest post is by Mitch Boehm, Editor & Publisher of Moto Retro Illustrated. It’s an innocuous place, really, a typical Southern…